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AL EVCHARGE - Privacy Policy - Australia Privacy Policy This is the privacy policy of AL EVcharge Pty Ltd (ABN 82 664 271 425). Protecting your privacy is a big deal. At AL EVcharge, we are strict about how we handle personal information. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, store, use and disclose personal information. It also confirms our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. What is your personal information? In this privacy policy, the term ‘personal information’ has the meaning given to it in the Privacy Act. Personal information is information we collect which identifies you or could be used to identify you. Why do we collect personal information? We need to collect some personal details from you to provide you with our services and products. Without collecting your identifying information when you join us, we may not be able to provide you with the products and services you want. We may also need to collect additional personal information to manage your account and continue to provide you with our products and services. Information about you The information we collect about you depends on the products and services you use and whether you are a customer, job applicant or a member of the public. It may include:
    • Your name, date of birth and contact details
    • Your physical address or alternative addresses where we provide our services to you
    • Your bank account and credit card details
    • Information to prove your identity, for example your driver’s licence or another form of ID
    • Information relating to your credit worthiness
    • Your employment history, if you apply for a job with us
    • If you are a business, company or government entity, the number of employees in your organisation
    • Details of products and services we have supplied you or you have asked about
    • Details needed to deliver those products and services or answer your questions
    • What you tell us about the products, services or lifestyle activities you like or how you like to use our products and services
    • Details about your account (including your password and username)
    • Information about you that you provide us directly or indirectly when online
    • Information you provide to us through surveys
We may also need to collect personal information from you about authorised representatives you appoint in relation to your account. If so, you must also tell them about this Privacy Policy and ensure you have the appropriate consents from them to provide their personal information to us. Some of the information that we collect may be sensitive information, If we need this type of information we will ask you for permission, except where otherwise allowed or required by law. Information about how you use our products and services We may also collect:
    • Phone numbers that you used to register account with us
    • Email address you used to register account with us
    • The date, time and length of the calls and messages you send or receive with us. Also, your location at the time of these calls and messages
    • Information about the level of service you receive. This may include details of network faults or events which may affect our services
    • Information about your use of our services, including how you use our network, the operating system you use, our apps or online portals, call centres, emails, and webchat services
How do we collect personal information? We collect your personal information if you:
    • Provide information to us in account application forms, order forms or service enquiry forms
    • Provide information to us when you buy products or services from our websites
    • Subscribe to newsletters, alerts or other services from us
    • Take part in a competition, prize draw or survey
    • Visit our websites, online stores, Facebook pages and other pages that we own and manage
    • Use any of our apps or online portals
    • Require assistance with service provisioning or fault management
    • When you contact us or we contact you. These conversations may be recorded for training, quality and business purposes
    • Apply for a position to work with us
Information collected from other sources We may collect personal information from:
    • Credit reporting agencies, law enforcement agencies and other government entities
    • Entities that provide services to us. This includes entities to which we may disclose your personal information. We explain who these entities are below in the section ‘Who can we provide your information to?’
    • Your authorised representatives or legal advisors
    • Publicly available sources of information, like market research providers
How do we use online identifiers? We may use cookies and other online identifiers to collect information about you when you interact with our websites, applications, communications, products and services.
    • Cookies are small text files stored in your browser and mobile app. Cookies and other online identifiers help us understand how we can make our online products more relevant to you
    • We may use a persistent cookie, which is a cookie that stays linked to your browser. A persistent cookie is used to record your visits so we can recognise you if you visit our website again. It also lets us keep track of products or services you view so that, with your consent, we can send you news about them
    • We also use cookies and other online identifiers to measure traffic patterns, to see which areas of our website have been visited and to measure total transaction patterns. This helps us see how our site is used so that we can improve our online products and services. You can set your browser so your computer stops cookies or lets you know each time a website tries to set a cookie
    • We may also log your IP address. Your IP address is your computer’s electronic Internet address. We may collect your IP address to see trends, run the website, track user movements, and gather broad demographic information
How do we use your personal information? We may use your personal information and usage information for the purposes of: 1. Providing products and services
    • Providing you with products and services
    • Processing orders or applications to become a customer
    • Providing you with customer and technical support
2. Communication and administration
    • Contacting you with messages about changes to our products or services
    • Verifying your identity
    • Generating bills, managing your account, and carrying out debt-recovery
    • Carrying out credit checks and credit reporting
    • Dealing with questions, complaints and other customer care activities
3. Marketing and communications
    Contacting you with marketing about products and services offered by any of the brands and subsidiaries of AL EVcharge Pty Ltd. This may include marketing from or related to brands and subsidiaries within AL EVcharge Pty Ltd that do not currently provide you with products or services. See below for more information about direct marketing communications.
4. Improvement and analytics
    • Understanding how you use our products and services, carrying out market analysis and research, and analysing the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns
    • Developing our products and services, networks, and business processes
    • Understanding how customers use our websites and apps, analysing app use and performance, behavioural data and demographic trends
    • Analysing the things that interest you, as well as where you use your app. We may use those details to provide you with services, products and information suited to your needs, interests and location
    • Sharing de-identified and anonymised data with select business partners. In these cases, we use techniques such as grouping, combining and anonymising so that we do not reveal your personal information
    • Training our staff.
5. Network security and fraud
    • Protecting our network and managing the use of our network, including by analysing app use. For example, we identify peak periods of use so our apps can better handle the volume at those times
    • Conducting internal investigations in relation to crime and fraud prevention, detection, recovery or prosecution
Direct marketing communications We may send you direct marketing messages and information about:
    • Products, services, discounts, competitions and special promotions offered by AL EVcharge Pty Ltd that may be of interest to you
    • Offers or promotions based on how you use our products and services
    • Other companies’ products and services (including offers and discounts we have arranged for our customers) we think may interest you, if you have chosen to receive this information.
This marketing material may be sent by various methods, including but not limited to, telephone, post and any form of electronic message (including, but not limited to, email, SMS, MMS, push messages and video messages). You consent to us sending you marketing material by any of those methods. Unless you opt out, you may continue to receive marketing material from us for up to 13 months from when your agreement with us ends. At any time you may opt-out of receiving marketing material from us. How can you opt-out of marketing materials? If you would rather not receive our marketing material, you may opt-out by using any of the opt-out methods noted in the marketing material. Please be aware that even if you have opted out of receiving marketing material, we will still need to send you essential information about your account, your service and other information required by law. Who can we provide your personal information to? We might disclose your personal information both within and outside Australia to the relevant entities below. We take reasonable steps to make sure recipients of your personal information handle that information in accordance with the obligations set out in the Australian Privacy Act. The relevant entities are:
    • Credit providers or credit reporting agencies for the purposes permitted under the Privacy Act and credit reporting legislation
    • Our service providers, including the providers of network and IT services, content providers, insurance products and mailing services
    • Our dealers, agents, suppliers, contractors and advisers
    • Our device manufacturers and repairers
    • Our providers of marketing, research, call centre and telemarketing services
    • Companies in AL EVcharge Pty Ltd
    • Your authorised representatives or legal advisors
    • Our professional advisors including lawyers, accountants, tax advisors and auditors
    • Debt collection agencies and other parties that assist with debt-recovery functions
    • Law enforcement bodies to assist in their functions, courts of law or as otherwise required or authorised by law
    • Emergency services (if you make an emergency call) or other service providers assisting in emergency situations
    • Regulatory or government bodies to resolve customer complaints or disputes both internally and externally or to comply with any investigation by one of those bodies
    • To third parties for the purpose of preventing or investigating actual or suspected fraud, unlawful activity, or misconduct relating to your accounts or our services.
How do we hold and protect your personal information? The security of your personal information is important to us. We take all reasonable steps to securely store your personal information in a way that is protected from unauthorised use, access, modification or disclosure. This includes both physical and electronic security measures. We sometimes use service providers to process, manage and store personal information. Where we do, we require those service providers to comply with strict requirements about the use and protection of your details. We also ensure that your personal information can only be seen and used by staff who need it to do their jobs. Our staff securely destroy any printed documents containing your details. We run checks of our systems, service providers and staff to make sure that your personal information is held and used properly. We give our staff special training about privacy and the proper use of your details. How can you protect your account from unauthorised access? Anyone who knows your account security information (such as online username and password) can access your account. You must keep this information secure. We accept no responsibility for information we disclose to parties who know your account security information. Can you access and correct the personal information we hold about you? Yes, you can access and correct most of the personal that we hold about you, but there may be times where we cannot grant you access to the personal information we hold. For example, we may not grant access to information if it could interfere with the privacy of others or if it would result in a breach of confidentiality. If that happens, we will give you written reasons for any refusal. We may charge reasonable administrative costs for responding to privacy information requests, however we will not charge you for simply making the request or for making any corrections to your personal information. If you think your personal information is not current or may not be accurate or complete, you should ask for it to be updated. If we do not agree that there are grounds to change it, we will add a note to the personal information stating that you disagree.